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2023-07-04来源:网络阅读: 1708



Chinese contemporary famous senior master —— ZhouDeguang


The long history of China has cast its brilliant local culture. Yi Xue is a bright pearl in Chinese traditional culture. In the long history of thousands of years, Yi has learned several changes, and finally derived the road of heaven and man, earth and man. As an outstanding figure in the academic field of Yi under the banner of the Party, Professor Zhu Guang has made new achievements in the field of yi learning with his simple and profound foundation and tireless exploration spirit, and keeps unremitting pursuit for the continuous innovation and development of Chinese culture and serving the humanistic construction of the Party and the country. Keep up with The Times and guide, forge ahead in the new era together!


On the occasion of the coming of the founding of the Party on July 1 [special report] China's contemporary famous senior yi Ching feng shui scholar, famous —— Zhou Deguang.


The Book of Changes is an ancient classic explaining the changes in heaven and earth, and a broad and profound philosophies book of dialectics. The following is a small series of easy classics and feng shui, for reference only, we look at it together.

提起周易,很多人都似懂非懂,因为国人都熟知周易历史悠久且十分神秘,但是要问周易究竟是什么?很少有人能够回答的上来。周易的历史最早可追溯到西周时期,当时的统治者 将周易作为组织国事和平衡阶级关系的指导性理论。随着时代的不断变迁,周易不断的融合政治、艺术以及历史等多种因素,不断的将看似毫无关联的万事万物相结合起来,并以此推断事 件的走向从而达到预测未来的效果。

Speaking of Zhouyi, many people are vaguely understand, because the Chinese people are familiar with Zhouyi has a long history and is very mysterious, but to ask what is Zhouyi? Few people can answer it. The history of Zhouyi can be traced back to the Western Zhou Dynasty, when the rulers regarded Zhouyi as a guiding theory for organizing state affairs and balancing class relations. With the continuous changes of The Times, Zhouyi constantly integrates politics, art, history and other factors, and constantly combines the seemingly unrelated things, and to infer the direction of events so as to achieve the effect of predicting the future.


In the public cognition, Zhouyi seems to be "fortune-telling". In fact, Zhouyi is a kind of ideological culture that breaks through the limitations of time and space, a guiding theory to explore the potential connection of everything, but also the crystallization of the wisdom of ancient Chinese people. However, because Zhouyi is relatively profound and difficult to understand, so few people can really understand Zhouyi in today's society. Zhou Deguang, honorary president of Hainan Zhouyi Association, is one of the few people involved in the study of Zhouyi.

周德广,号崇德公,1956 年生于海南,自幼便对风水知识十分感兴趣,正所谓兴趣便是最好的老师,正是因为感兴趣, 所以他寻遍名师,早年拜得唐朝国师、紫光禄大夫杨筠松创立的八宅 派的后传弟子杨勤读为师,拜入杨勤读门下后周德广在兴趣使然和名师指导的双重加持下对周易 的理解又进入了更深层次的境界,但此时的周德广并没有因为自己取得了一些成绩而沾沾自喜, 止步不前,而是游历祖国大江南北,寻遍名师以增加自己的学识和阅历,随后又得中国当代易学 泰斗、“北派易学”开山宗师、有“南邵北廖”之称的廖墨香教授收为为入室弟子。

Zhou Deguang, Chong Chongde, Born in Hainan in 1956, I have been very interested in feng shui knowledge since my childhood, Interest is the best teacher, Just because of the interest, So he searched for all the famous masters, In the early years, the disciple of the Tang dynasty, founded by Yang Yunsong, the doctor of purple light, Yang Qin, read as a teacher, After entering Yang Qin, Zhou Deguang in the interest and the guidance of the double support of the understanding of Zhouyi into a deeper realm, But at this time, Zhou was not complacent because he had made some achievements, cease to advance, But traveling across the country, Find famous teachers to increase their knowledge and experience, Then, professor Liao Moxiang, the master of contemporary Chinese school of Yi, the master of "Northern Yi School", and known as "South Shao and North Liao", was accepted as a disciple.


The universe, in the sky, presents the sun, the sun, the stars, day and night and seasonal climate and other phenomena, on the ground, the formation of mountains, rivers, animals and plants and other forms, produce complex changes. The law of the dynamic and static changes of the universe is interpreted under the guidance of the resolute and the soft way of Yin and Yang. The Book of Changes uses the eight natural phenomena, namely heaven, earth, wind, rain, thunder, electricity, mountains and sea, to reflect the relationship between the converging and separated groups and conflict.


And feng shui, is the application of the Book of Changes in the orientation, is the guide to the people's living behavior.


Our environment, from a physical perspective, has geothermal, magnetic field, radioactive matter, microorganisms, and other substances and field information, affecting us all the time. For example, where the earth's gravity field is strong, people do not grow tall. For people living in geological fault zone, the incidence of cancer is 10 times that of ordinary places. From the perspective of hydrogeology, the organic and inorganic materials contained in soil and water quality have different effects on people; their effects on the earth's magnetic field, climate, drought, drought and flood, famine and disease. From the perspective of human life information, different life information energy exchanges different natural energy in different locations.


Magic machine clever calculation cloth feng shui, from itself into a school of new thinking

由于其对周易的潜心研究,周德广对其中奥妙理解更加透彻,再加上现在人们生活方式和居 住环境不断的变化,周德广便自创一套适合现代环境的风水流派—— 德公风水。周德广运用德公 风水之术为众多企业和家庭做风水布局,改变其运势,服务过的福主受益无穷,因此周德广在业 界内也颇有名望,其师廖墨香教授更是赠言: “神奇风水、洁净精微、造福人类、潜心研究、为 民服务”等。

Due to his painstaking study of Zhouyi, Zhou Deguang has a more thorough understanding of the mystery, plus now people's living style and living environment are constantly changing, Zhou Deguang created a set of feng shui schools suitable for modern environment —— gong feng shui. Zhou Deguang uses the art of feng shui for many enterprises and families, change its fortune, served the blessing Lord benefit infinite, so Zhou Deguang is also quite famous in the industry, its teacher Professor Liao Moxiang is a gift: "magic feng shui, clean fine micro, benefit mankind, research with great concentration, serve the people" and so on.

在修建新房或者乔迁新居的时候很多人都会请风水先生来看一下家中的风水布局如何?但是 也有的年轻人不是很懂这些。周德广就曾经遇到过一对刘某夫妇, 二人已经年近四十, 结婚十六年 来, 膝下仍无一子一女,求子心切的二人虽到处求医问药,但始终没有结果。后来刘某夫妇在不经 意间结识了周德广而改变了此后的命运。周德广到刘某夫妇家中,经过一系列的勘察找出了问题的所在, 原来是因为刘某夫妇二人的命宫与现住宅符合度不理想, 也就是住宅影响了二人的子嗣运势。 刘某夫妇听从周德广的建议搬出现有的住宅,寻别处而居, 神奇的是夫妇二人搬家后很快就实现了做父母的梦想。这让刘某夫妇以及亲戚朋友无不惊呼“周大师真乃是神仙下凡”。

When building a new house or moving to a new house, a lot of people will ask the feng shui gentleman to see the feng shui layout in the home? But some young people don't know that. Zhou Deguang once met a couple of Liu Mou, two people have been nearly 40 years, married for 16 years, still without a son and a daughter, although the two people seek medical treatment everywhere, but always no result. Later Liu Mou couple inadvertently got acquainted with Zhou Deguang and changed the fate after that. Zhou Deguang arrives Liu Mou couple home, through a series of investigation found out the place of the problem, because the life palace of Liu Mou couple originally and now residence accord with degree is not ideal, namely the residence affected the children of two people. Liu and his wife listen to Zhou Deguang's advice to move out of the existing residence, looking for elsewhere, the magic is that the couple moved soon realized the dream of parents. This makes Liu and his wife and his relatives and friends all exclaim that "Master Zhou is really a god coming down to the earth".

国人一直有着落叶归根的思想,所以在大城市退休后的罗某便不愿意久居大城市,而是想回 到家乡重修旧宅。在翻新旧宅之前他便请到周德广为其勘察风水。周德广在勘察完该宅院的风水之 后得出了此宅不传后的结论,罗某惊诧不已,道出了一个从不外传的秘密,原来早在一百年前该处宅院的原主人家中绝丁,没有了继承人,当时的宅院女主人把罗某的爷爷从娘家接来继承了该处宅院。周德广推算出了这个一百年来从不外传的秘密让罗某钦佩不已。

The Chinese people have always had the idea of returning to the roots of the fallen leaves, so after retirement in the big city, Luo is not willing to live in the big city for a long time, but want to return to his hometown to rebuild the old house. Before renovating the old house, he invited Zhou Deguang to survey his feng shui. Zhou Deguang after the investigation of the house of feng shui concluded that the house after the pass, luo a surprise, said a never spread secret, originally as early as one hundred years ago the house in the original master of the home, no heir, when the hostess of the house to luo grandpa from her home to inherit the house. Zhou Deguang calculated this one hundred years never spread the secret to Luo admire.


Yin and Yang are the core of the Book of Changes and the key to feng shui.


Feng shui, should solve the problem of good Yin and Yang field above all, a few feng shui festival in the past, say door, main, kitchen is important, the door is how to lead angry into the house, the main bedroom of the residence, the kitchen refers to the kitchen of the residence. In fact, the layout of the Yin and Yang field, is the fundamental.


The molecular structure of the core code DNA of life is a double helix, and the two ribozyme acid chains are intertwined with each other to form a pair of interdependent and restricted Yin and Yang. The Yin and Yang of the human body must be consistent with the Yin and Yang field of the external environment, otherwise, if the Yin and Yang field of the residential environment is reversed, the Yin and Yang field of the human body is also reversed, the qi and blood will be chaotic and all kinds of diseases.


The Huangdi Zhai Book says: " The husband Zhai is the hub of Yin and Yang."Yang is not the king, with Yin (Yang house is suitable for repairing Yin square); Yin is not the king, with Yang. Also like the winter to warm for virtue, summer to cool cold for virtue.”


Why does the hexagrams of human life affect one's life? Because in the moment, the field balance was completely broken, people must greatly adjust their own field, to coordinate with the strange field, life is the first voice is crying, because the field and the process of adaptation is painful metamorphosis, in the process of metamorphosis, the new fusion of internal and external balance field, become a part of human life energy field, covered with a lifetime brand, human gene under the action of the field development. This power of the field affects life. For example, the Venus energy field is the position of the zodiac sign of the year of Qian, which is the outer field with the greatest influence on him. In the inner field of the people born in this field, with the same information, the field attraction, naturally brought the same field, brought at the same time, also brought trouble, the damage in that field also attracted the "outside the ghost".

虽然周易是我国古老的传统智慧,但却并不是一成不变的,因此周德广时常收集现实生活中 的众多成功的风水案例,从中进行分析总结,不断创新。多年的实践经验加名师指点使得周德广技艺更加精湛, 对阴阳宅风水布局、择吉日等十分精通,尤其是阳居厨灶的布局之法更是达到了炉火纯青之境。我国古时便对厨灶的布局摆放十分讲究,在农历传统节日中更是有腊月二十三和二十四进行祭灶的风俗习惯,甚至在中国传统神话中更是有专门掌管厨房烟火的灶王爷,由此可见国人 自古便对厨灶布局很是重视。但是在近些年来城市化住房的不断改革,很多人从独门小院搬入钢筋水泥般的居民楼,传统的灶台也不再适用今天的生活方式,再加上年轻人更是不懂得厨房布局 的重要性,因此多有因厨房布局不当而影响住宅风水事件的出现。

Although Zhouyi is an ancient traditional wisdom in China, it is not invariable, so Zhou Deguang often collects many successful feng shui cases in real life, analyzes and summarizes them, and is constantly innovating. Years of practical experience and teacher guidance make Zhou Deguang skills more exquisite, Yin and Yang house feng shui layout, auspicious and other auspicious days, especially the layout of the kitchen stove has reached the perfect environment. In ancient times, the layout of the kitchen stove is very exquisite. In the traditional lunar festival, there is the custom of offering the 23rd and 24th of the twelfth lunar month. Even in the traditional Chinese myth, there is a kitchen stove in charge of the kitchen fireworks. It can be seen that Chinese people attach great importance to the layout of the kitchen stove since ancient times. But in recent years, the continuous reform of urbanization housing, a lot of people move into the residential building like reinforced concrete, the traditional hearth is no longer applicable to today's way of life, plus young people do not understand the importance of kitchen layout, so the more because of improper kitchen layout and affect the emergence of residential feng shui events.

在周德广服务过的诸多福主中有一位谢姓福主的事例一直以来让人印象深刻。谢姓福主一家都 是勤劳踏实的农民,与人为善且勤于劳作,每年的农作物收成都相当不错,由于一家人辛勤劳作很 快便攒下了一笔财富,并在村里修建了一座漂亮的三层小楼,这在二十多年前的农村可以说是十分 让人羡慕的,但是令人意想不到的是新房虽然建造的非常漂亮,但是住进去四年以后谢姓福主全家 却多有不顺心的事情发生,比如粮食价格收成较低,一整年辛苦劳作的收成却卖不上价钱,或者在 临近收成时节却突遭台风、暴雨等灾害,使得农作物大量减产甚至颗粒无收,这对于一个农民家庭 来说无异于是极其沉重的打击。除了经济收入接连遭受打击外,谢姓福主的大儿媳身体健康也在搬 家后每况愈下,多种疾病缠身致使她变得面黄肌瘦,往日面目红润的风采再也不见了,多方求医始 终不得医治之法。谢家种种不顺心之事始终找不到根源,最后在友人的引荐下请周德广去家中一探 究竟,见多识广的周德广到谢家探查一番后发现问题出在家中厨灶的布局上。找出问题根源后周德 广又为其规划新的布局方式,谢家按其建议改动厨灶布局后,大儿媳的身体日渐恢复健康,家中的 收成也越来越好,不到两三年的光景就还清了家中几十万的欠款。知道这件事的人每次提起周德广 无不称之为“神人”。由此可见厨灶的风水布局对于家庭成员的运势有着强烈的影响。

Among the many people Zhou has served, one example of Xie has long been impressive. Fu Lord Xie's family are all hard-working and practical farmers, Be kind to others and work diligently, The annual crop harvest is fairly good, As the family quickly saved a fortune, And built a beautiful three-story building in the village, This was very enviable in the countryside more than 20 years ago, But it was unexpected that although the new house was built very beautiful, But after four years of living in it, Xie's whole family has had many bad things, Such as the low harvest in grain prices, A year of hard work harnot not not price, Or near the harvest season, but suddenly hit by typhoons, rainstorms and other disasters, Make a large number of crop production or even no grain harvest, This is a very heavy blow to a peasant family. In addition to the economic income suffered a blow, Xie's eldest daughter-in-law health is also getting worse after moving, a variety of diseases caused her to become yellow and thin, the rosy face of the past is no longer seen, many medical treatment has not been allowed. Xie family all kinds of unpleasant things can not find the root from beginning to end, finally under the recommendation of a friend asked Zhou Deguang to the home, knowledgeable Zhou Deguang to Xie Jia after exploring the problem out of the layout of the kitchen stove in the home. After finding out the root of the problem, Zhou Deguang planned a new layout for it, after Xie Jia changed the kitchen stove layout according to its proposal, the body of the big daughter-in-law gradually recovered health, the harvest in the home is getting better and better, less than two or three years to pay off the arrears of hundreds of thousands of dollars in the home. People who know this matter always call Zhou Deguang "god man". It can be seen that the feng shui layout of the kitchen stove has a strong influence on the fortune of the family members.


The combination of theory and actual combat, inheritance of Chinese study


Above is Mr.Zhou and some of his disciples!

为了能够让更多的人了解到这些风水知识,周德广结合自身所学以及各项真实事例撰写了《浅论厨灶布局》、《论灶》、《浅谈易学在人居环境中的应用》等著作,其中《浅谈易学在人居环 境中的应用》更是入选党的十九大献礼巨著《再创辉煌》一书。周德广本人也在 2017 年“第三届中国传统文化传承与发展高峰论坛”和 2018 年“第四届中国传统文化传承与发展高峰论坛”上获得“第三届中国传统文化传承与发展高峰论坛暨成就(成果)展银奖”、“第四届中国传统文化传承与发展高峰论坛暨成就(成果)展银奖”以及“中华传承特别贡献奖”和“中国共产党第十九届全国代表大会献礼纪念奖”等奖项。此外周德广还被授予“全球国学风水名家”、“当代国学领军人物”、“国学研究与应用领军人物”、“百家传承 · 文化筑梦人物”、“民族精英”等诸多荣誉称号。

In order to be able to let more people know the knowledge of feng shui, Zhou Deguang combined with their own learning and the real examples wrote the "shallow theory of kitchen kitchen layout", "focus", on the application of the living environment works, such as the application of learning in living environment is included in the party's 19 big gift masterpiece "brilliant". Zhou Deguang himself in 2017 "the third session of Chinese traditional culture inheritance and development peak BBS" and 2018 "the fourth session of Chinese traditional culture inheritance and development peak BBS" on "the third session of Chinese traditional culture inheritance and development peak BBS and achievement (achievement) exhibition silver", "the fourth Chinese traditional culture inheritance and development peak BBS and achievement (achievement) exhibition silver" and "the inheritance special contribution award" and "the 19th national congress of the Communist Party of China tribute award" and other awards. In addition, Zhou Deguang has also been awarded many honorary titles such as "Global Fengshui Master", "Leading Figure of Contemporary Sinology", "Leading Research and Application of Sinology", "Hundreds of Cultural Inheritance Dream Character", "National Elite" and so on.

由于其对周易传统文化的复兴事业做出过巨大贡献,周德广在 2017 年还被中华传统文化传 承委员会聘为专家委员。两年后,周德广又作为周易行业专家代表入驻中国影响力人物数据库; 2020 年周德广应邀加入中国知名人物数据库,担任医学专家成员;同年 5 月再次应邀加入决策中 国专家智库联盟,担任该联盟副理事长;更是以易学行业“影响力领军人物”入驻中国名人焦点网 - 名人名家百科。

Due to his great contributions to the revival of Zhouyi traditional culture, Zhou Deguang was appointed as an expert member of the Chinese Traditional Culture Inheritance Committee in 2017. Two years later, Zhou Deguang entered the database of Chinese influential experts as the representative of Zhouyi industry experts. In 2020, Zhou Deguang was invited to join the database as a member of medical expert. In May of the same year, he was invited as the vice chairman of the alliance as the "influential leader".

纵观周德广从事周易研究多年早已是荣誉加身,享誉行业内外,然而他从来没有放下易学传 承的事业,因为他深知国学文化的复兴并不是凭借一人之力便能完成的。因此在 2016 年他创办了 聚玉堂,周德广时常在这里研究易学知识并将自己所学的经验传授给身边的工作人员,希望能够 有更多的人了解到易学的知识,让更多的人加入到弘扬传统文化的行列中来。周德广的儿子在其 影响之下也对易学文化相当喜爱,由此可见易学文化的魅力也正在被年轻人所熟知。

Throughout, Zhou Deguang has been engaged in the study of Zhouyi for many years and enjoys a good reputation inside and outside the industry. However, he never put down the cause of Zhouyi inheritance, because he knew that the revival of Chinese culture could not be completed by one person. Therefore, in 2016, he founded Juyutang, where Zhou Deguang often studied the knowledge of learning and taught his experience to the staff around him. He hoped that more people can know the knowledge of learning, so that more people can join the ranks of carrying forward traditional culture. Under his influence, Zhou Deguang's son is also very fond of Yi learning culture, which shows that the charm of Yi learning culture is also being known by young people.

也许提起易学和风水布局很多人会认为是迷信,其实风水布局不但不是迷信,而且是科学。因为风水布局是对人所处生活环境的一种研究,好的生活环境自然会使人身心愉悦,经常身心愉 悦的人做起事来自然是一顺百顺,而反之长久居住在让人不舒适的环境中,人的身心和健康都会 受其影响,自然是看起来事事不顺。易学就是将人们生活中万事万物的潜在联系串联起来研究其 规律,预测其日后发展。但是万事万物的奥妙并不是这么容易能够被参悟透的,也正是由于有周 德广这样的易学集大成者在不断的推广和传播易学知识的途中,才让更多的人了解到我国古人的 智慧,也让易学文化能够更多的应用到人们的日常生活中。

Perhaps mention yi learning and feng shui layout many people will think it is superstition, in fact, feng shui layout is not only not superstition, but also science. Because feng shui layout is a kind of research of people's living environment, good living environment will make people body and mind pleasure, often happy, yue people to do nature is a shun, and otherwise long live in uncomfortable environment, people's body and mind and health will be affected by its, nature is looks everything is wrong. Yi learning is to connect the potential links of everything in people's life to study its laws and predict their future development. However, the mystery of everything is not so easy to be understood. It is precisely because of the continuous promotion and dissemination of the knowledge of easy learning, more people understand the wisdom of ancient Chinese people, and also let the easy learning culture can be more applied to people's daily life.


Zhou Deguang's profound attainments for Yi learning have been admired by countless colleagues in the industry. His selfless dedication and sharing of his professional knowledge have promoted the great change in the whole industry. His vigorous promotion of Yi learning culture also calls on more young people to understand and yearn for easy learning knowledge. In addition to having a high evaluation in the industry, Zhou Deguang is also well known in the customer group, countless customers helped by Zhou Deguang are highly praised of him. Perhaps there will be more excellent scholars in the near future, but Zhou Deguang's contribution to the industry and his published works will always be a shining star in the process of the culture inheritance, which should be remembered by the whole industry.

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2023-11-16“一步到位”的改装体验,还能合法上路?!AION Y Plus潮野版来了
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